Rotorblade inspection

Heat, cold, wind, longitudinal and transverse loads – the blades of your wind turbine are suspended, 365 days in extreme conditions. Erosion, defective aerodynamic parts and other damages decrease life expectancy of the rotor blades and the return on your investment. Regular inspection is therefore an important part of the condition-based maintenance. Minor damage can be detected quickly and can be repaired with little effort, before it comes to an injury and consequential expansion of other plant components.

Most insurance companies require a survey every 2 years. The rope-assisted technique allows us to reach all areas while the rotor blade optimally. This is no additional cost for crane or lifting platform. Furthermore, this technique can be applied even in inclement weather and each tower height.

Following inspection tasks can be performed:

  • visual inspection of the exterior and interior blades
  • testing of existing flow-relevant elements
  • review of Lightning Protection Systems
  • resistance measurement of the lightning conductor
  • inspection of drainage holes and the tip-stall mechanism in plants
  • photo documentation and detailed report
  • repair recommendations